Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Soldiering on

I am hesitant because I do not want to appear ungrateful. The birds woke me early this morning and I love this almost European light, the sound of the waterfall in the trees, the mottled blue sky, the fact that the three hour time difference means that insomnia is just waking up early. The girls and I had supper at home last night and scrubbed everything we used within an inch of its life before using it. Every single thing in the house has a fine layer of grease and cat hair, which may go blissfully unnoticed by the owners, but means extra work for us. We settled on plain pasta with olive oil and parmesan, and a little salad, with some olives & hummus to start with, eschewing the pizza idea when I opened the oven and discovered the whole eco-system that existed happily therein. The cleaning lady is coming today to work beside me, elbow for elbow, knee for knee. I have my own bucket of cleaning supplies, two pairs of rubber gloves and the best scrubbing brushes Target had to offer. First I shall drop the girls off at Beacon, where they're going kayaking. At least now, today, I don't want to turn around and go home, which was my first inclination when I arrived yesterday. This was sugar-coated, I'll admit, for my beloved, for I know him well enough not to freak him out beyond his already highly anxious state. At dinner last night Minks said, "You know, it would have been far worse if Pappa had seen this house before we cleaned it." "Yes," I agreed. "He would have been furious," she continued. I had to concur.

Meanwhile, on the bright side, we have cardinals, red ones, in the garden, and beautiful flowers, and a whole welcoming chorus at 5am, and the number of a local doctor who specializes in Lyme disease.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bloggled!