
Sunday, August 10, 2008

Back home

Ugh! Huge thunderstorms in the northeast rendered our plane immobile and we sat on the runway for close to 4 hours before taking off. Thank goodness I had a lovely traveling companion (flagged by the union jack t-shirt she was wearing) who liked to talk about food & politics (what else is there in life, really?). We watched Geraldo Rivera on The John Edwards Scandal and laughed our heads off. Home now & found delicious meatloaf in the fridge, a daughter awake and watching Gossip Girl online and a very grateful middle-aged dalmatian.

I miss my boy. I'm sure he's fine as I haven't heard a word. That's the way it's meant to be, right?

Happy Birthday to my Mamma. It's the 11th in England now! I love my Mamma! I'm putting up Norwegian flags everywhere in my mind...and thinking of kringle.

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