
Thursday, June 27, 2013

HIVE COLLECTIVE: My new venture

I have started a new company, Hive Collective, which brings together all the things I love under one roof: traditional pr combined with strategic storytelling, social media and digital. Clients will come from art (entertainment) and philanthropy. For more information:

My partner Tracy and I have known each other for years -- since we both worked for the firm that handled Arnold Schwarzenegger (it was the Total Recall years and I remember going to see the film eight months pregnant with my son -- no wonder he has an aversion to loud noises). She comes out of philanthropy and I come out of entertainment, so together we hope to create something wonderful.

I promise not to abandon Miss Whistle. She is, as you all know, very important to me.

Thank you, everyone, always, for all the support. It means so much.

Much love,

Bumble aka MsW

PS: To celebrate, here's the HiveCollectiveSummer playlist


  1. Fly high and long, with success following your every sweep.
    You'll never forget how to whistle.

  2. Wishing you success, and joy in the daily doing.

  3. Bumbeleh, this news has left me so farshimmelt I almost got farblunjet in my gottkes.


    farshimmelt (far-shimmelt) mixed up
    “Excuse me, but my Rolodex is really farshimmelt. What was your name?”

    farblunjet (fehr-blundjett) lost
    “I missed the turnoff to Burbank—I got farblunjet in the valley.”

    gottkes (gott-kess) underpants
    “Morris was quite embarrassed. The TV cameras caught him getting ready for the show. There he was, running around in his gottkes.”

    Noe's Yiddish Glossary for Goyim is on amazon.

  4. Congratulations, Bumble!

    I love your venture's name, both because it connotes the collective consciousness that is social media at its best, and because you're the perfect queen bee for this hive.

    Can't wait to hear more about your work and the (cough) buzz it creates...

  5. @pennylane -- thank you, you've always helped me remember how to whistle xx

    @LPC -- thank you, you are most inspiring to me and will continue to be so.

    @Katherine -- dear K, so happy we are tweetypies...I hope this year we may meet properly. xxx

    @Noe -- brilliant! Thank you!

    @Lorraine -- I love bad puns. Thank you so much xx


I love your comments and I'm sorry if I don't always reply, but please do feel free to comment anyway. Love, MissW