
Monday, August 12, 2013

Norwegian Lamb and Cabbage Stew

This recipe is for my twitter friend Alex, whom I failed when I promised him a Norwegian vegetable recipe and didn't deliver. More of an autumn than a summer recipe, it is one of my very favorite authentic Norwegian dishes. It should be served with boiled potatoes, cold beer and acquavit.

The smell of this stew -- fårikål in Norwegian -- bubbling away on the Aga at home in the black pot with the pale blue lid, makes me misty-eyed. It's the simplest recipe and one of the most authentically delicious.

another recipe from gooseberry mooseberry is here (with thanks for the image)

Serves 8-10

6 lbs bone-in lamb shoulder or lamb necks (the cheapest scraggy ends, but utterly delicious)
4 pounds green cabbage (1 1/2 heads) cut into large chunks, core removed
1-2 tablespoons black peppercorns
bay leaves (optional)
3 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 tablespoon flour
4 cups cold water
sea salt
finely chopped parsley

Layer the meat & cabbage in a large pot, add 1 tbsp of the black peppercorns, bay leaves (if used), butter, sprinkle with flour and add the water. Boil over a medium-low heat, until the meat is tender and the cabbage is soft (an hour or so). If you want it spicier add more black peppercorns. Season to taste with salt.

Serve with boiled potatoes and a liberal sprinkling of parsley.

This dish gets better with re-heating, so make sure you make enough for repeat servings.

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