
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Bowie, for Vivien, on a Sunday Morning

If her twelve year old daughter hadn't been with us saying things like "it's like being with a couple of teenagers" my friend V & I would have walked around London all afternoon singing Bowie and dancing to Daft Punk inappropriately in Brandy Melville, as one only can with someone who has been a friend since 13.  Arm in arm in the rain on the Kings Road, fighting with umbrellas, and speaking in stage whispers while her sweet girl shopped, is there really anything better than having a best girlfriend to share your secrets with? This one is for her, from the 1977 album "Low" -- a collaboration with Brian Eno:

And this, possibly Bowie's sweetest love song:


  1. Ah, I went to Wembley in 1975 to see David Bowie on his Diamond Dogs tour. My first boyfriend took me and I couldn't see a thing because I was too vain to wear my glasses. Fantastic music though. Thanks for prompting some good memories.

  2. Ahh, now I've got Rock 'n' Roll With Me in my head. Replacing Red Sails, from listening to Lodger this morning... ;)


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