
Wednesday, April 02, 2014

A simple spring supper

There is inherent optimism in the canyon. (Or maybe it's just me.) I picked red pepper branches, some yellow mimosa, both overblown and just sprouting, some canyon tall grass, eucalyptus flowers and put them in a vase on the table. And we were given a huge bag of shiney, pale Meyer lemons from the neighbor. No occasion, just a couple of girlfriends round for supper, but it seemed momentous somehow, perhaps because of Spring, or perhaps, as my mother said yesterday "I don't remember being happier." A very simple meal, here's what we had:

Sardines & Crackers & Dijon mustard (inspired by Prune)

Hot purple artichokes with melted butter

Salmon baked on a bed of fennel fronds (with salt and pepper, only)
Baby potatoes with lots of mint
Fennel (mandolined paper-thin) & purple amaranth micro greens salad (with salt, Meyer lemon & olive oil)
Roasted plum tomatoes

Banana ice cream from Sweet Rose Creamery

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I love your comments and I'm sorry if I don't always reply, but please do feel free to comment anyway. Love, MissW