
Monday, May 19, 2014

Road Trip!

My sister (well she's actually a half sister) and her husband are intrepid travellers. They love driving. And once they drove from England to Norway just to surprise me on my birthday (that's sisterly love for you). Even though they live in rural, pastoral middle-England surrounded by dogs and chickens and goats (and even though she makes the best game pie I've ever tasted) they love to traverse North America and that's exactly what they're doing now, on Route 66, just like the song suggested.

Despite my warnings, they spent last night in Barstow (text: "you're right. it's a dump. we will survive!") and now they're having breakfast in Palm Springs before coming to see me in LA.

This of course has made me consider my old plans for a road trip. I have never traversed America and I think this year I may do so with my daughter when she goes back to college in Maine in September. Of course, I'd like to do it in a bright silvery bullet of a vintage Airstream but I'm not sure that will be possible. Why is that idea so romantic?

I'd love to hear your cross-country tales. If you want to share them I'll repost. Which is the best route and why?

Thanks & have a most excellent day.

-- MissWhistle xoxo


  1. Do it! I've gone cross-country six times, and I can't recommend it highly enough, whichever route you take. You'll never see the US the same way again.

    I haven't done the northern route, which should be beautiful in August-September—even if it's not the most direct, think of seeing Montana and Yellowstone! I wrote about our drive east in winter across I-40 (criss-crossing Route 66 much of the way). I hope it provides some inspiration.

  2. Well, I've done 'round the country trips in Scotland and Ireland, but I've never done a proper road trip here at home in the USA. My long-time road trip dream is to rent a classic red convertible and drive the Pacific Coast Highway.

  3. I agree with Susan: by all means, go through Wyoming, and be sure to stay in Jackson Hole a day or two (or three). It's less than an hour from Yellowstone.


I love your comments and I'm sorry if I don't always reply, but please do feel free to comment anyway. Love, MissW