
Saturday, August 09, 2014

Pan De Elote & a chance encounter with a Most Excellent Woman

I met a fantastic nonagenarian today, Helen Colvig, a startling, bright-eyed beauty who behaved as if she were half her age. She was wearing a spectacular straw hat, a pair of jeans and most excellent Members Only man's shirt, and joined the party I was at -- a warm and jolly barn party for two lovely girls who were off to college -- bearing plates of fruit, cookies, a particularly good dill-laced potato salad, balanced on a bowl of ice to keep it cool, and this marvelous stuff, Pan De Elote, Mexican-style sweet corn bread pudding, the recipe for which she generously agreed to share.

Rather nosily, I asked her grandaughter why Helen was so fabulous. She exudes charisma. It turns out that Helen was the costume designer on Psycho, The Andromeda Strain, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, Play Misty For Me, The Virginian and numerous other movies. I am not surprised at all that she's really Kind of A Big Deal.

Helen's ageless design for Ava Gardner

I must not forget to mention the amazing peppery beef skewers and juicy, spicy ribs served by Janice, along with roasted asparagus, and a scrumptious carrot cake from Lark.

A rather nice plate of cooling melon to follow spicy barbecued beef

Beautiful Helen Colvig with her lovely granddaughter, Cortney

The elegant Helen in her most excellent straw hat

Serves 6-8

1 lb can cream golden corn
1 cup Bisquick
1 large egg, well beaten
2 tblsp melted butter
11/2 cups milk
1 4oz can diced Anaheim chilles
1/2 lb Jack cheese, thinly sliced

Combine, corn, Bisquick, egg, butter and milk. Mix well, and turn half of mix into 8x8 Pyrex dish. Then spread cheese slices over the surface -- spoon remaining batter over cheese. Bake at 400 for 35 minutes. Serve hot, cut in squares.

Goes well with any meat entrée or green salad for luncheon.


  1. Wonderful. An elegant woman, and an alluring recipe. My mom is 92. She will be 93 on 15 August. She and Julia Child share a birth date. My mom inspires me with her intelligence and ability to keep growing in extraordinary ways. May we both become a Most Excellent Woman in a hat like Helen Colvig. xo.

  2. Very wonderful. And Katherine, to hear about your mom too.

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