Saturday, March 22, 2008

Brilliant Easter Buckley

I sort of love that Minky is in my shower listening to Jeff Buckley's Hallelujah and that she has loved this song prior to its American Idol premiere, and that she loves the Jeff Buckley version better than the kd lang version (and any other version for that matter). It gives me pleasure, actually, that the kid listens to Jeff Buckley at all. It's a good song for an Easter Saturday, an Easter Saturday which was sunny and 84 degrees and where all of a sudden all the hope came flooding back to earth in a whoosh of bird wings.

A visit to the salon yesterday has left her with wavy layers and short bangs. With her hair tied back in a ponytail and the bangs combed to the side, she looks like Audrey Hepburn, and happily she knows who Audrey Hepburn is as we watched My Fair Lady a few nights ago, in our film series (that is the Moshay Girls film series). ("Oh my God, this song is beyond amazing" she says as she emerges from the shower "I wanna kiss whoever made it".)

It's Easter tomorrow and she has spent an hour in my closet trying on my shoes from a time when I used to spend rather a lot of money on shoes, or rather the shoes I bought were commensurate with the amount of aggro I had to deal with from clients that week. I didn't think much about it then, but now I hear her oohs and aahs and she begs me to wear a pair of my heels for Easter (very pretty, pale pink Marc Jacobs ones) and I staunchly tell her no, no it's not really the thing to do, but at the same time I realize that she's thirteen and that it's actually lovely that she still listens to me at all. This isn't one of those "oh my little girl is growing up" things; it's more an appreciation of that process. A realization perhaps, that growing is going on. Or maybe I am too. I don't know. Maybe this is a way for me to remember this moment. It couldn't have been a better day to remember.

On Monday, we're going whale-watching, inspired by my friend Erica, who called from the boat in Oxnard, salty & smiling & happy. Honestly, I can't wait.

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