Thursday, December 17, 2009

Going to Bed

I check the locks on the front door
and the side door,
make sure the windows are closed
and the heat dialed down.
I switch off the computer,
turn off the living room lights.

I let in the cats.

Reverently, I unplug the Christmas tree,
leaving Christ and the little animals
in the dark.

The last thing I do
is step out to the back yard
for a quick look at the Milky Way.

The stars are halogen-blue.
The constellations, whose names
I have long since forgotten,
look down anonymously,
and the whole galaxy
is cartwheeling in silence through the night.

Everything seems to be ok.

-- George Bilgere (via Writer's Almanac)

1 comment:

Lola said...

Hi misswhistle!
Just briefly stopping by with my very best wishes for Xmas and the New Year! Can’t tell you how much I’ve missed your terrific posts since my last visit - but hope to see you back sometime at my place where I’ve just posted my latest Christmas "Lola Lifeline"! All the best to LA & see you again soon!


PS Like the new pic above!