Monday, May 02, 2011

Where I live

On the Asilomar bluffs, Pacific Palisades

It's been four days in bed and counting with a bronchitis that really deserves a spanking. But I have Jennifer Egan to keep me company, a vaporizer by my bed, Vicks rubbed into my chest just like matron used to do, and a lovely girlfriend who brings me white peonies and vegan mushroom soup with cheering platitudes scrawled on the container.

This is where I live. Not by the sea, because we are in the hills, but if I visit my friend in Pacific Palisades, this is the view from the end of her street at sunset. I took this last Wednesday and stood among the flowers gasping at the beauty. That probably sounds trite. I don't care. There is beauty everywhere, you just have to find it says friend and fellow-blogger Tania Kindersley. Here the green turns to brown too quickly, the moisture is sucked out of the air as it comes over the Mojave Desert, before it reaches us, and aged actresses are found dead a year later because we don't care about old people in Los Angeles, but we still have the Pacific Ocean. And that takes some beating.

Good night all.


Carren said...

Get well soon! Sounds like a bad case of bronchitis.

Michelle Trusttum said...

Miss W - It's a wonderful view, and coincidentally, I just heard the news about the unfortunate Miss July while reading your post.

I hope you are feeling much better.

Miss Whistle said...

Carren, you're so sweet. It's the worst bronchitis! I'm like one of those ladies in a Victorian novel in a fainting position on the sofa!

Michelle, isn't that the worst story? I do often wonder what happens to people who don't have families as they age, and clearly we don't do enough here in LA. Thanks for your get well wishes. I am determined to be sprightly for my beloved's birthday tomorrow!

-- Miss W