Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Argentina again

A very nice woman called Susan from New York has contacted me, via Equitours, about the Estancia ride in Argentina we went on earlier this year. I sent her portions of my blog from that time and I realize, now, how lovely it is to have a record of things, however small and insignificant. You can link to my Argentina trip at and click on March 8. Here's a bit I like, mostly because it's first blush:

On first viewing Buenos Aires is green and covered with a patchwork of seemingly English meadows. It had been raining and so amidst the greeness, very large puddles, some as big as lakes. The airport reminds me of Dr Who. In fact it does very much resemble a military airbase, complete with the perimeter fence made up of concrete posts in the shape of a 1. Trees everywhere, from poplar, to pine, to monkey puzzle, even (I think) a glade of silvery eucalyptus as we whizzed from airport to the hotel. It feels a bit like Russia, I know what Chatwin means. Great grey high-rises with peeling paint and triple strings of laundry drying on the wet balconies. Strangely colored civic architecture (railings in parks painted a particularly alluring and very (bad) English sky blue). Feel enormous pressure to run out and do touristy things because the city is so beautiful, full of early Edwardian architecture mixed with Spanish and classical. Want to run out in it as we're only here for two days. Very delicious Sunday brunch, actually, with the most yummy ceviche, grilled mushrooms and tomatoes, beef of course, artisanal cheeses and meats, and so on. We grinned at each other and flipped through my Moon's Guide to Argentina goofily, realizing how touristy we look. A chap who was a splitting image of Fred Armiston of SNL fame, though a little chubbier, was sitting near us, chatting up a girl he didn't know very well, while she sipped on champagne. He then ordered a bottle of Malbec, obviously to seal the deal. An old English couple politely served themselves omelettes. Strangely, although most people speak Spanish, there are so many countries represented in people's faces - Welsh, Scottish, Spanish, Indian, South African, Russian, etc. Three very lovely girls served us, all tiny, dark-haired, blue-eyed and sweet - like hummingbirds around our table. Blue sky outside. Oh, and it smells like England in the winter! That was the first thing I noticed as we got off the plane. The smell of Heathrow - damp, like wet flannels, a little cheesy, with a hint of tobacco for good measure -- heaven! Now for my disco nap and then we're off to San Telmo for the "colorful Bohemian tango dancers, antique soda syphons and criollo wear."

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