Tuesday, September 04, 2007

honey & cold quiche

I'm drinking tea with honey and have filched a piece of cold quiche from the fridge for my midnight snack; there is a sliver of a moon and I wondered where it went. Only two days ago, it seems, we were marvelling at a great orange orb that hung over Mullholland, trying to catch glimpses of it as we drove east. I am both fascinated and disturbed of the story of Jeremy Blake, whom I met briefly when he worked with PTA on Punch Drunk Love, and his girlfriend Theresa Duncan; both committed suicide in early July, within a few days of each other. Hurricane Felix is about to take a direct hit on Honduras and I wonder why it interests me so. I've started a book entitled Stumbling on Happiness, it's the beginning of September, the first day of the new school year, and hopefully the first day of a new work ethic for me. I am heady and optimitistic at two seventeen and I hope this will last till morning. The honey burns my tongue.

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