Friday, February 29, 2008

Three brilliant films, one album & a book

Three films I want to see again, like, now:

Before Night Falls
Short Cuts

In fact I may sashay my way over to my local video store (how hackneyed does that sound?) and pick them up right now.

Also, I must highly recommend the new Goldfrapp album, which I listen to like dreamy teenager whilst fluttering around the house. I alternate it with my Best of Maria Callas which I know is very amateur-ish of me, but I'm still an Opera Highlights kinda girl.

On the book front, I'm re-reading Brideshead Revisited, which inspired every semi-gay (gay but not out, school buggerings notwithstanding) man I knew at Oxford to start carrying round a bloody teddybear while not fawning over Aubrey Beardsley pen and ink drawings (Rollo, I do NOT mean you).

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