Monday, September 27, 2010

House (on Beverly)

The Maharishi & my secret happy standby for an easy date night supper is House on Beverly, just by Crescent Heights.  Pictured above is the seemingly dull but surprisingly delicious burrata with heirloom tomatoes and lightly steamed vegetables -- absolutely perfect fare for the HOTTEST DAY ON RECORD IN LOS ANGELES. Forgive me. Forgive my shouting.  Forgive me for being irritated that I can't touch the steering wheel in my car without using gloves, or for not being able to sit down without a double towel draped over the seat, or for realizing that each and every person I know on Facebook who lives in Los Angeles has posted a picture of their car thermometer as if they're the first one to think of it.  108F. Check.  113F. Check.  It's too hot to eat. Too hot to walk. Too hot to do much but think about a lovely plateful of cool vegetables drizzled in first press extra virgin olive oil and read, if you're lucky, some Javier Marias.


Northern Snippet said...

Hard to imagine such heat when it's only 9 c here today and I'm about to bring logs in for the fire.That food looks delicious I had a peek at the House menu,sounds like a great place to have nearby.

Wally B said...

And not too warm in Seattle at the moment, although I'm still wearing shorts. Reality never has been one of my strong points. If the food tastes as good as it looks, it must have been wonderful