Tuesday, November 23, 2010

walking: signs & life, griffith park, monday

The new MissWhistle header is from our walk around the perimeter of the zoo yesterday. I tried to stop the greater & lesser spotteds from smiling, but to no avail.  It was a glorious day, the wind blowing hard, bringing furiously blue, sunny skies. The San Gabriels are clearly visible, with just a dusting of snow on top.  We parked at Travel Town, walked up a steep ridge, and followed the winding paths and equestrian trails back from the Gene Autry Museum, along the side of the freeway.  Oh, and that's a blurry photograph of a woodpecker, at the very top of a eucalyptus.

1 comment:

Jackie Schoknecht said...

Oh, these photos make me so homesick! Enjoy your beautiful, warm Thanksgiving!